Archive for the ‘Holly Smith’ Category

ideas for our main media task

January 22, 2010

Marcus on piano opening.

– Marcus closes piano, then gets into bed…looks at a picture of Teri Squire on his phone then puts his phone down, then switches off the light (everything goes black)

– The dream begins…

 – Introducing the dream with ‘wheel, 4 spokes’ (windows movie maker transition)

 – Marcus is dreaming about life withTeri Squire …

 The dream has a mixture of flashing still and moving images.

– Alex’s rose in the pool

– Marcus at a bus stop he see’s  Teri Squire  walking past. Teri Squire doesn’t notice him.

 – Flash up of Teri Squire’s face

  – Teri Squire laughing

–  Teri Squire and Marcus dancing together… him in suit,her in a long dress.

 – Ending with Teri Squire  and Marcus sitting at the bus stop bundled up, and then  Teri Squire kisses him on the cheek and walk away…

– He wakes up.

– Flash to Teri Squire  and Marcus being at school, Teri finally say ‘hi Marcus’ and then walk away…

– End on Marcus’s face smiling.


Credits: Marcus Wiseman as Luke Armstrong. Teri Squire as Leading Girl. Filmed and Produced by Holly Smith and Teri Squire.

preliminary Task second draft

January 19, 2010

Preliminary Task evaluation 

            When I joined As media, I joined it later than the other people in my class so this meant that the filming groups had already been sorted. Luckily Teri Squire also joined As media studies late, so together we formed a group along with charlotte Watson. Unfortunately for most of the process in deciding things like group dynamics charlotte was absent, that left our group one person short. After a lot of thought Teri and I decided to ask a year 13 student (Marcus Wiseman) for his help in acting in our preliminary task. This decision resulted in Teri Squire Acting along with Marcus Wiseman and the filming was split into two categories so it could be shared equally between myself and Teri squire. I filmed all the parts that had either just Teri acting in or both Teri and Marcus acting together and Teri filmed all the parts where Marcus acted in them on his own.

            Our equipment was pretty simple and we only used basic props. Our equipment consisted of a camera and a tripod. Our Props consisted of a classroom table, two class room chairs, a piece of lined paper and a pen. We discovered that by keeping our props down to a minimal was a very good idea as later in the process when we had to go back to film two of the shots needed that previously we had missed we could easily re- create our scene. Missing the two shots which was 180 degree shot and shot reverse shot actually worked out wonderfully as charlotte returned and that meant she could film the parts we had missed and could edit it to fit into the filming Teri and I had already filmed and edited. This resulted in all three members of my group had filmed edited and we all had a say in how we wanted the outcome of filming to look.

            Organising our human resources was actually very easy, the decision about our places in the preliminary task once made was stuck to and we got to work filming our task as soon as we had the decisions made.

When in our group we never came across a problem with our actors and the location we chose to film in, the costumes was a very big problem as soon after we had edited our filming we realised that Marcus Wiseman wasn’t wearing the right clothing for his character and later on when we had to go back and film our missing angles neither Marcus or Teri had the same clothing on! This made the continuity within our preliminary task very wrong. This would defiantly be a point to learn from as to make your film have a good verisimilitude you have to have perfect continuity.

Evaluation of our perliminary task draft 1

January 6, 2010

Group Dynamics- Our group is very small, there are  only me Holly Smith and Teri Squire. So when it came to sorting our plans for filming and the kinks in those plans it was handled and sorted out quickly. We decided That Teri Squire would be a character in our preliminary task as she felt comfortable within that role, me being the oppisite and not feeling comfortable in front of the camera decided that i would suit a role better behind the camera.  As we needed two people to be in the preliminary task we asked a year 13 student if he would mind being our extra character, as he did’nt mind we then had our characters sorted out for the task ahead. The characters where Teri Squire as the student and Marcus Wisman as the teacher.

The equipment was sorted out easly we had been given our tape and took the responsablity to keep it safe! The camera  battery got charged and off we went! we filmed our preliminary task in one go. The filming took just under and hour. After much derliberations we relised that we had missed out some important shots these where 180 degree shot and shot reverse shot within our perliminary task and needed to go back and refilm them. we also had a wardrobe malfunction when marcus  turned up in jeans and a hoodie!, being the teacher in our preliminary task he should of infact been wearing a suit or at the very least black trousers, shoes and a shirt!

The organisation of the human resources was sorted out, early in the process when we were doing our story boards! so when it came to us filming everbody new what they were doing.  As there were scenes with just Teri, we decided that i should film those, and when there was just Marcus in the scenes we decided Teri should take the oppertunity being out of  infront of the camera to film these parts.

Ideas for the opening credits to a film

January 6, 2010

Horror: Evening sunset going down around A haunted forest, walking down a deserted street with the camera moving as the person and hearing heavy breathing.  

Tragedy : see car head lights coming towards the person, as the car would hit the camera blacks out and fuzzes back laying on the ground !

Complications whilst filming our preliminary task

December 4, 2009

whilst filming our preliminary task we thought we’d done a really good job but after up loading the filming we’d done  and started editing it Mrs Brown informed us we’d forgotten to film a 180 degree shot and a shot reverse shot. When marcus came to help up with our filming he turned up in jeans and a hoodie!, being the teacher in our preliminary task he should of infact been wearing a suit or at the very least black trousers, shoes and a shirt! To overcome this we said it was a non uniform day but we still relised that he should of been wearing  more formal clothing.This means that our prelininary task also lacks verisimilitude.  Another problem we may face! When we go back to filming our preliminary task to add the over camera shots we also need the same weather conditions as before, when we first filmed the weather was cold and raining.

Sounds and Music

November 20, 2009

Within our Preliminary Task we plan to keep all of the diagetic sounds within it, we also think that it will be a good idea to add a peice of music to our preliminary film this music will be non- diagetic.

Body Shot (Teri- the student)

November 20, 2009

This photo Shows what clothes Teri was wearing during out filming of the preliminary task.

Managment of our preliminary Task.

November 20, 2009

Group Dynamics- Our group is very small, there are  only me Holly Smith and Teri Squire. So when it came to sorting our plans for filming and the kinks in those plans it was handled and sorted out quickly. We decided That Teri Squire would be a character in our preliminary task as she felt comfortable within that role, me being the oppisite and not feeling comfortable in front of the camera decided that i would suit a role better behind the camera.  As we needed two people to be in the preliminary task we asked a year 13 student if he would mind being our extra character, as he did’nt mind we then had our character sorted out for thw task ahead. The characters where Teri Squire as the student and Marcus Wisman as the teacher.

The equipment was sorted out easly we had been given our tape and took the responsablity to keep it safe! The camera  battery got charged and off we went! we filmed our preliminary task in one go. The filming took just under and hour.

The organisation of the human resources was sorted out, early in the process when we were doing our story boards! so when it came to us filming everbody new what they were doing.  As there were scenes with just Teri, we decided that i should film those, and when there was just Marcus in the scenes we decided Teri should take the oppertunity being out of  infront of the camera to film these parts. 


The door Handle

November 18, 2009

This is the final shot within our preliminary task! This picture show marcuses hand going to open the door!

The Hallway

November 18, 2009

This is the hall way our teacher ( Marcus Wismen) walks down as he heads towards the classroom.